Monday, December 6, 2010

How do you like your eggs?

I finished up the last of the egg recipes...poached eggs (pg. 311) and the last omelet recipe, Mushroom Omelet (pg. 314). All of this egg tasting has been reminding me of the movie, Runaway Bride. If you've seen this movie, you'll know why. It just so happens that it was filmed in my hometown.
So, the poached egg turned out pretty good. I'd never made them before and I think it might take a bit more practice, mine kept falling apart around the edges. I tried it twice with the same results. The mushroom omelet I made with portobello mushrooms and had for dinner one night. Mushrooms aren't my favorite thing but for some reason I really like portobello ones. They were a great hearty addition to your omelet and perfect for dinner.
Recipes cooked: 79
Recipes left: 94
Days left: 108

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