Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Feeling the Heat of Summer

It's really hard to have a Revolution in the summer. It is such a hot, lazy time of the year. The thought of "revolutionizing" makes me want to take a nap. But I guess many Revolutions have actually taken place in the heat of the summer months like, oh, our own 4th of July as well as Bastille Day (July 14) and Canada Day (July 1). So maybe it's just cooking revolutions and the thought of turning on the oven or stove that make me want to curl up with a good book. Honestly, many dinners during the summer for us consist of a trip to the local produce stand and then coming home to cook a great meal of red tomatoes, corn on the cob, zucchini and squash. Yum! So, over the last month the revolution hasn't been so, um, revolting. But I have been watching reruns of Jamie's Home Series on the new Cooking Channel and we have cooked up a few yummy dinners that I can't wait to tell you about. As we have shopped for school supplies, registered for fall activities and life has slowly begun to turn back to the calendar, my gusto for my kitchen makeover has come back. I'm ready to go and boy do I have some catching up to do! So, clean the cobwebs out of the Kitchenaid, it's go time!

1 comment:

  1. I hear you! I've been busy with life, holidays, so quick meals revolve around produce from the garden. Nothing fancy, who wants to heat up the kitchen? But in the next few weeks I'll be getting back down to business.
