Friday, February 11, 2011

30 days hath September…

You know the rest. April, June and November. All the rest have 31 except February. Right. Except February! Why does the last month in my journey have to be the shortest? That being said, I need to be in the kitchen, people! No time for typing today so let's get on with it….

Yesterday I made the last stew recipe. I really loved these recipes and making them in the winter was super special. I know that I will make these again and again. Hot, yummy stew warms you up like no other. This one was Pork & Cider (pg. 180) and I made the Pastry Lid (pg. 184) as a topping. I really liked this one. I used Woodchuck Pear Cider and it was so mild and went perfectly with the pork. The pastry lid took a bit of extra work but it was worth it. It turned out great.
The original recipe is on Jamie's website. To make the pork & cider variety replace the beef with 1 pound of diced stewing pork, use 3 sprigs of sage as your spice and 2 cups of medium-dry hard cider in place of the ale. Cooking time is 2 1/2 hours.

Recipes cooked: 136
Recipes left: 37
Days left: 26


  1. wait - this is your last month? seriously? a year has gone by already?

  2. Yep! 26 days were left when I made this recipe. I'm a bit behind on the writing so its actually fewer than that.
