Monday, October 4, 2010

The Fried Egg Like I Never Imagined It

Okay. I can fry an egg. I may not have been a genius in the kitchen and I may not have been able to successfully boil water or make rice before this began but I could fry an egg. Now I was a bit out of practice since our kids were born and husband took over breakfast making duties about 8 years ago but I can still fry a good egg. I thought this recipe would be a walk in the park, a piece of cake and frankly an easy check off my list...And then I read Jamie's recipe (pg.309). Jamie's preferred method of frying eggs is to do so in 1/2 inch of olive oil on a medium-low heat. Huh? I must have reread this recipe a dozen times. And I put it off for quite a while but one day last week, when we had some very fresh eggs in the fridge, I decided to give it a go. I would say I was not terribly confident going into this but got less and less so as I went. So, I got my olive oil and panicked a bit as I poured the very expensive stuff into my pan. The next thing you're suppose to do is put all 4 eggs in together. I was chicken (ha! ha! Get it?) and only put in two. Now the eggs did what he said they'd do and they changed color to white and when this happened I spooned some oil on top. Here's where I screwed up. I just couldn't imagine how they could possible cooking in all of that oil on medium/low heat and I tried to flip one over. It broke apart into what seemed like a million pieces so I decided to stick with the directions on the second one. Then came the hard part, you take them out of the oil with a slotted spoon. Well, I completely destroyed the second one then! I saved the pieces so we could taste test but I knew I needed to start over and the troops were getting restless so I did them MY way. But wouldn't you know, when we tasted the failed egg, it was quite good! Maybe some day (when I have an abundance of olive oil) I'll try this again!
Recipes cooked: 59
Recipes left: 114
Days left: 160


  1. Hi Amy,
    This is my 3rd time trying to post this! Almost tired of trying!! Just wanted to tell you Uncle Darra's secret about frying oogy eggs! He uses Land O' Lakes Spread with Sweet Cream, which we also use for "butta"! Once the butter is heated, he puts in the eggs, cooks the slow/medium (we have electric stove) and within about 3-5 minutes, you'll have the best ever oogy-egg! If oogy-egg is what you want, then forget Jamie Oliver on this one!!
    love you bunches!
    Aunt Bonnie

  2. Thanks for posting! Sorry it was so hard. Yeah, I was not a huge fan of this method either and will definitely be going back to my old way BUT since the goal is to make all of the recipes I had to give it a try! It was fun to try something new though! Love you too.

  3. i just tried this and then came to your blog to find your entry about it, because i remembered you found this technique frustrating. I think I did okay, though next time I'll be more patient. It was just so odd to have that egg sitting there in that bath of olive oil that I didn't quite know what to do with it. And then the oil started sputtering (which jamie does not like) even when i turned it down to the lowest setting! So i took it out sooner than i normally would have (I don't mind runny eggs but prefer them a bit more set if i can swing it). The next time I'll be more patient and will let it cook a bit more, sputtering be damned. But it tasted really, really good. It didn't taste like it was saturated in oil, which is what i had feared. So, I'll definitely try it again.
